Sunday, January 3, 2010

*Norah is 9 Weeks Old*

Just wanted to post a few more pictures of our little feisty girl! She is really getting her little personality these days. We've had fun with her, but we have really had to start reinforcing the rules as she keeps pushing the boundaries! Just like a toddler, I tell ya! She's a lot of fun though! Hope everyone is enjoying a fun and relaxing Sunday afternoon! Be Blessed!!

Jake stuck the monkey in her collar so he could go for a ride! She didn't know what to think!

What a pitiful face..HaHa!

She really wanted that toy!!

She is a funny girl, and somehow her monkey (who has now lost both his arms, ended up propped up on her ball. Jake was in the background telling her not to get it so I could get the picture!! It was funny!

A little side shot to show how tall she's getting! She was playing tough with Andrew!

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