Saturday, January 2, 2010

A Little Game We Call...Farkle

So tonight we hung out with two precious friends of ours, Andrew and Leakhena! We had a great time eating homemade tomato soup with yummy grilled mozzarella, spinach and basil sandwiches...compliments to chef Andrew! ;-) We decided to play some games so we decided to bring out the dice and play some FARKLE!! A fun game of chance where a wrong roll of the dice could leave you farkling! HaHa! (just meaning you lose all your points that roll and your turn is over, but it makes for fun wise cracks and a little laughter...always a good thing) Then I am somewhat ashamed to say it, but we watched Shawshank Redemption, and it was my first time to see it! Just so you all know, I thought it was a Great movie and I don't know why I haven't watched it before now! Anyway, it's always a good time and great fun with friends! Good night all!

All Bundled Up! It was freezing today!

Our Sweet Friends

Jake was the lucky Farkle winner!

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