Thursday, January 21, 2010


It's been a while since I've written, but things have been busy around the Harvell house. We've settled back into "home life" after being out of town last week, and things are slowly getting back into a routine again. Norah is getting back to herself, after a week away from home. She is such a sweet pup and is growing, in many ways, by leaps and bounds. I have been working everyday this week, waking up before anyone is up and getting home with only a few minutes to spare before I see Jake out the door and off to work. By the time he gets home, I am generally exhausted and ready to close my eyes. So needless to say, our quality time has been in the late hours of the evening when I am drifting off to sleep lying next to my incredible husband. He says he doesn't mind, stating he has become particularly fond of watching me sleep...haha. Even though I'd love to spend more minutes and hours with him, I have enjoyed the relaxing comfort of that sweet time.
As of late, I have become quite fond of my daily talks with the Lord. It seems like our relationship has grown stronger in these past few weeks. Oddly enough, according to the guidelines I set for myself during this time of prayer and fasting with our church, I have been falling somewhat short of my personal expectations. As time has gone on though, I have begun to realize that it truly doesn't matter whether or not you meet every expectation, but that you are constantly trying to reach those goals. I do know that my simple acts of denying my strong urge to consume sweets at every opportunity, and my very strong fleshly desire to have my daily cup of coffee, or caffeine for that matter, has done wonders for my spiritual life, in general. I have found that without even realizing it, I have grown closer to my heavenly father. As I had written before, Jake and I have been reading "The Shack" by William Paul Young, and in the book, one of the characters refers to God as "Papa." At times, I have to admit, that it is hard to grasp the intimacy involved in that name. In the past few days though, I have really had a renewed sense of what our relationship can be...I have found myself feeling this compassion for people that goes beyond the surface. I found myself praying for anyone that came to mind over the course of my day, and I even prayed for people I didn't even know that sat in the car traveling beside me. And it was almost as if I could hear the Lord telling me, "this is what I want for us..." I really believe that He wants to hear from us. Even if it's only for a moment, He wants to know what is on our mind. "The Shack" gives such a beautiful depiction of our prayer relationship with Him. The book depicts that prayer relationship this way...The main character (you and me) sits at the table eating dinner with God, Jesus, and the holy spirit. They all begin to ask him (us) about his life, his children, their interests, his wife and her latest endeavors, etc. The main character begins answering all their questions one by one, feeling like he is able to share things that he hasn't been able to in quite some time. Then it dawns on him...and he asks, "Now here I am telling you about my kids and my friends and about [my wife], but you already know everything I am telling you, don't you? You're acting like it's the first time you've heard it." This might be how some of us feel...why would we spend the time to tell God things he already knows...In the book, the response they give opened my eyes to a new way to look at my relationship with the Lord and my daily talks with him. They likened the way that God listens to our prayers as an adult playing with a child. "You don't play a game or color a picture with a child to show your superiority. Rather, you choose to limit yourself so as to facilitate and honor that relationship." In the same way, God listens to our prayers with new ears. It's as if He wants us to share our heart with him so He can hear and understand how we feel...from our perspective. He wants to hear about all our trials and triumphs straight from the heart and mouth of His children. For me, that brought a whole new perspective and desire to speak with my heavenly father. Not only does He want us to sing His praises and exalt His name, but he wants us to share every part of our lives with a best friend. It might sound silly, but I truly believe that my prayer life has been changed forever, and the ability to view this all-knowing, all-loving, and all-powerful God we serve as my "Papa" has gotten a little easier. I hope my heart's ramblings make sense, and they encourage someone, touch their heart, and help them to truly see our awesome God as our incredible heavenly "Father"...Our "Papa."
I pray that you feel encouraged by the love we have in our Him...
Many, Many Blessings...
J & K

Friday, January 15, 2010

~Finally Heading Home~

So we are in the last hours of our time in the southwest of Alabama. We have spent yesterday and today in a little town called Leroy, AL. If you are like Jake and I, we had never heard of the town until this trip, and that's because there is not much to hear about. I'm not sure what the census is, but it's SMALL. There only claim to fame that I can find is that Leroy sits in Washington county, which happens to be Alabama's first official county...and of course the power plant (where we gave shots). There hasn't been much to do here, but one thing is for sure, we are very ready to get home! We are ready to see our Norah Bean! She has been having a blast with some friends of ours and their kids. It's the same two kiddoes that were in our wedding! I'm hoping to get some pictures from Mona of their fun times together! We were very thankful to have them watch her while we were gone! I'll post a few pictures of this part of the trip, and some of them are from Jackson, AL, which is where we actually stayed the night, and it is the closest town to really take any pictures! I hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing, and blessed weekend!
-Love...J & K




Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Shack...

So Jake and I tried to find him something to read while he sat and supported me giving shots all day long...We found this book and it had been recommended to us before so we decided to get it. We are hooked! It has been a great book with a very deep message...Anyone looking for something new to read, we would highly recommend it! It's a message of faith in the face of your worst nightmare and the most excruciating loss. You will be sitting and reading for hours at a time! Enjoy some time away from the business of life and enjoy a good book! Many Blessings Always...J & K

.:Where Everybody Knows Your Name:.

Andalusia, Alabama would be that place...Jake and I took a "work vacation" this week to go and give flu vaccines for the clinic I work for part time. One of our two stops was a little town of less than 9,000 that is "ready for industry." (their slogan when you come into town) It is about 2 hours north of the panhandle of Florida and the two main things that go on in Andalusia are some form of industry and hunting! One thing we have come to find though, is that this little town is full of very genuine, country, down to earth, and good hearted people. The hospitality has been wonderful, and that is especially true for the little Bed and Breakfast where we have stayed for two nights. We spent the night at the Sweet Gum Bottom B & B. It has been the most quaint, pleasant and relaxing experience. We've never stayed at a B & B before, but we are so glad we stayed, and I know it won't be our last time!
There is just something to be said about a place where you rarely meet a stranger, and whenever someone is greeted they are asked about every member of their name. We have been so relaxed on this trip, and I think that says a lot about a town that doesn't seem to be in a hurry. There is no rush to get ahead or out-do the next person, but they each have this satisfaction in doing what they do best, and that is good enough. We also came into contact with many people who openly expressed their relationship with the Lord and their reliance on Him. We have thoroughly enjoyed the change in pace, and perspective...

"Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got.
Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.
Wouldn't you like to get away?
Sometimes you want to go
Where everybody knows your name,
and they're always glad you came.
You wanna be where you can see,
our troubles are all the same
You wanna be where everybody knows
Your name."
-Cheers Theme Song


You Know Your In a Small Country Town When...You try to sell our "power chair" from your driveway!

David's Catfish House

Sweet Gum Bottom Bed & Breakfast

A Sweet Little Kitty Named "Lucky"...Cause they say he's lucky to have a home! Love His Orange Eyes

Sunday, January 10, 2010

3 Months Married & 10 weeks old...Just Enjoying Each Other:

So not much has gone on in the last few days... Today Jake and I have been married 3 months, and Miss Norah is 10 weeks old. I am falling more and more in love with my husband as the days go by. I can hardly believe that we have been married that long, but at the same time, I feel like we have been married for years. I guess that's what happens when you date for so many years before marriage. But I will say, that even in our worst days, or my worst days (haha), he still loves me so unconditionally and I always feel blessed to be his wife. I just pray that he always feels that love from me as well. We are so thankful for the love the Lord has given us, and we pray that the love that we feel for Him and for one another overflows from us and is felt by those who come into our lives. What a blessing marriage is...for those who don't feel that way, I would say you are missing something! I am married to my very best friend, and I couldn't imagine my life any other way! I am blessed! Miss Norah is still a joy to be around and she is such a lovey girl! I decided to try and cut her hair yesterday, and it went okay...haha. It was a little bit of a challenge. For one, I was working with a 10 week old puppy, and two, I probably had one of the crappiest pair of clippers ever. We bought them on sale, and now I know why they were on sale! Her haircut wasn't the best, but she still looks really cute!! We have just enjoyed a relaxed weekend at home. We went to church this morning and we were pretty late getting there because we had to wait in line to get off the interstate for about 10 mins. Then..once we got in the church, we had to go to a classroom to watch the service because the main auditorium was full and the overflow room (held in the youth wing which holds about 500 ppl) was full also! We were amazed! But the service was awesome and the overflow problem was a great problem to have! We hope everyone has a wonderful week ahead! Be safe and Be Blessed!

This is Norah sweetly pushing the boundaries! HaHa! We had told her to stay in her bed while we were working on our budget, and I looked down at her about 45 minutes later, and this was her...still in her bed! HaHa! I had to run and get the camera! She's a mess and she makes us laugh, which we love!

She loves to snuggle!

Before her haircut...

"Mommy, please stop cutting my hair...I've had enough..."

After her haircut...

A few snapshots from our "snow day"

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

-Title Change & One Worn Out Girl-

So today was my first day at work, as an RN! I went in to start the paperwork orientation stuff, so nothing exciting, but it was nice to know that I was getting big girl money! Seems like I've been waiting for this day forever!! I had my badge changed today also, so that helped things sink in a little more!
Norah, or "Norah Bean" (as we affectionately call her these days) had a big day too! Probably not the most fun day if she could speak for herself though! She went to the doctor today for her 9 week check-up and shots. She did great and she weighed in at 7 lb 6 oz! I was shocked at how much she weighed. I think she is going to be a big girl! Daddy wishes she would stay this size forever...she's so cuddly right now! HaHa! One thing is for sure, she was worn out after her big afternoon!
We hope everyone stays warm tonight and tomorrow in the blizzard!! HaHa!! Alabamians go crazy when we start talking snow!! Stay Snuggly!! ;-)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

::My Study Buddy::

Not much has gone on at the Harvell house this week, so far...I've tried to work a little where I can. Jake had a crazy start back to work last night. They were bombarded with a ton more packages than they were expecting. He got home about an hour and a half late! I've also been trying to discipline myself to start studying for boards! I can't tell you how nice it's been to take a break from thinking about school stuff for the past few weeks! it's time to get back into the books and get myself ready for the big test! I've had a sweet study buddy though, which makes things a little easier somehow! ;-) She is hilarious and she makes me laugh. She loves to be right in the middle of everything, she'll be sweet though and mind me to stay off the papers, but she still feels the need to be close and touch things, haha! She also LOVES my pens and pencils. I'm not really sure why, but everytime she is close and I am writing something she stares my pen down and can't help but reach out and lick or bite it! She keeps me entertained, needless to say! We hope everyone is off to a great start to this week, and we hope you are staying warm! It's FREEZING out there! Thank you Lord for heat!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

*Norah is 9 Weeks Old*

Just wanted to post a few more pictures of our little feisty girl! She is really getting her little personality these days. We've had fun with her, but we have really had to start reinforcing the rules as she keeps pushing the boundaries! Just like a toddler, I tell ya! She's a lot of fun though! Hope everyone is enjoying a fun and relaxing Sunday afternoon! Be Blessed!!

Jake stuck the monkey in her collar so he could go for a ride! She didn't know what to think!

What a pitiful face..HaHa!

She really wanted that toy!!

She is a funny girl, and somehow her monkey (who has now lost both his arms, ended up propped up on her ball. Jake was in the background telling her not to get it so I could get the picture!! It was funny!

A little side shot to show how tall she's getting! She was playing tough with Andrew!