Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Relaxing Weekend at Home

We just enjoyed a relaxing weekend at home. We cooked some, watched movies, hung out with friends, and just enjoyed one another. We spent all day Saturday with some friends...had a great time, and then Sunday we went to Mt. View Baptist, where Jake's uncle pastors to visit them and listen to Elizabeth, a friend of mine that I went to school with, lead worship. It was really good! We had a good time! We took Norah to the soccer field up by our house to let her run and boy did she enjoy that!! She met a friend..an odd but cute dog that was some mix of a lab, and a hound dog...She loved Norah! (How couldn't you, right?) We just realized how wonderful it is sometimes to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life. We are blessed with the opportunity to enjoy time together! I'm so thankful to my heavenly Father for never leaving us, and seeing us through all our ups and downs!!
Here are a few pictures from this weekend!

This is a crazy picture of one of our friends neighbors soaking up the rays in the 60 degree weather over the weekend! Some people are just a little desperate for spring I think! HaHa!

Norah and her friend "Lake", the lab/hound/something mix...

Great pics..Coutesy of the Hubby!
Love to you All!!!
J & K

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