Saturday, March 6, 2010

Norah...Looking Big These Days

Norah got a big girl hair cut this past week, and she looks so big. She also tried out her new life jacket we got her for this summer! She looks so cute in it, but I'm not sure how well she likes it! We're out of town this weekend, so she's getting to spend some time with her bud Jolie (my parents schnauzer). Mom said they've been having a great time, but they get a little hyper. She had to separate them earlier today and make them lay down on separate pieces of furniture. She said they looked at her like, "what?" I'm glad that she is having a good time! I'll post some pictures from our trip later on!
Here are some pictures of our sweet girl!
Sportin' Her New Life Jacket

The scruffy (prehaircut) girl with her new favorite toy

The Big Girl Hair

She was worn out after her haircut and she found a place to snuggle behind the pillows

Norah being so patient waiting for the cue to eat her treat! HaHa!

We hope you all are doing well, life is grand, and you are feeling blessed today!
Much Love from the Harvell's!
J & K

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