Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Springtime, Flowers, Afternoon Showers...

These are a few of my favorite things! Spring is definitely in full bloom and we are definitely in the spirit of fresh and new things around here! Jake and I have been busy in the flower beds and in the yard, gearing up for, what we hope to be, a wonderful summer! We love being outside and the weather lately has been gorgeous! We worked inside several weeks ago repainting the downstairs foyer and kitchen. After round two of color choices, we were very pleased with the results. It did wonders for the feel of the room! Amazing what a little paint can do! This past Easter weekend we definitely enjoyed the nice weather after the showers on Saturday! We ran around picking up a plentiful amount of flowers and we did a little grocery shopping too. We got most of our flowers from a nursery in Pelham. I told Jake that I could spend hours there, and I really think I could! There is just something very therapeutic to me about nature and flowers and gardening in general. I love it. Easter sunday we decided to attend one of the evening services at church to avoid the huge crowds that come for the typical sunday services. We played in the dirt all morning and afternoon. My back and legs were killing me by the time we were done, but I was still loving being outside and things are looking so nice out there. There's just something about the peacefulness of planting and being able to enjoy the work and the beauty of God's work that just put's me at rest. I have so much more to write about, but I'll post about them at a later time. Work is beckoning me...We hope that everyone is doing well and you all are enjoying the weather and the simple pleasures in life as much as we are! Be Blessed and Bless!
With Love... J & K

A Few Pics from the Painting Project

Flowers, Flowers, and More Flowers...



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