Monday, April 26, 2010

Playing Catch up!

I have been wanting to get on here and post about all that has been going on around here, but I just haven't seemed to find the time to actually sit down, relax, and focus on it. Last week was a pretty busy week with work and activities here at the house. Nothing big, but always something. Last week was my second week to work as a nurse OFF orientation! It's been great and I've thoroughly enjoyed working independently. I worked weekend before last, so when I got off work on Sunday, I caught a quick (4 hour, haha) nap then we headed out to Oak Mountain to enjoy a beautiful day. After Norah settled down, she Loved being out there! I think she will love our camping trip coming up in a few weeks. This past weekend, the weather Saturday was gross, but we still managed to enjoy time with friends, and Norah got to tag along for Andrew's birthday celebration at Leakhena's mom's house. We had a great time. Sunday we enjoyed the gorgeous day and got to enjoy a great church service as the sun went down. We are enjoying our time together lately, and Jake and I have enjoyed planning for upcoming trips this summer. Jake is really wanting us to get into backpacking, so in a few weeks we are going to rent some equipment from UAB rec center and try our hand at a weekend of backpacking. If we like it, we are thinking about investing in some backpacks, and making it a more regular event. Maybe even enticing the family to join in on the fun! Jake and Andrew have talked about week long trips to some neat places, but I think Leakhena and I have a max of a weekend trip for now! HaHa! I think it's a girl thing. Anyway, we hope all is well with everyone! We hope you are taking moments to enjoy the simple things in life! Life's too short...
With Lots of love and many blessings... J, K & N

Enjoy some pictures from the past couple weeks!

Oak Mountain State Park

Jake Trying Out Our New Tent..Yes, in the Living Room

Birthday Fun at the Thach House (Leakhena's Mom)

The Spread...

Norah Definitely Found a New Playmate!

Norah was Definitely Worn Out by the Time We were Ready to Leave!! Poor Girl! HaHa!

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