Thursday, December 31, 2009

I'm Finally a Nursing School Graduate!!

It seems like it's taken me forever to get to this point, but I'm finally done!! I am very happy to announce that on December 12th, 2009, I officially graduated from college with my bachelor’s of science degree in nursing! It has been a very long road, but I can finally say that I have finished the race and I am victorious! HaHa! It only took me 4 years and a semester to finish! Woo Hoo! Just under the stereotypical “5 year plan.” I am very glad that this journey is over, but I am so thankful for all that I learned along the way. I have learned so much about myself, and just how strong I am and much I can overcome and accomplish. The nursing profession is one that expects a lot from you with sometimes very little tangible gratitude in return. One thing that I have learned is that nursing is unique in that it is a constant, God given, open door to the hearts and souls of His children. That is one reason I fell in love with this profession from the very beginning. As a nurse you are faced with opportunity after opportunity to touch lives, maybe even for eternity, and that satisfaction of knowing that the Lord can and will use you, beats a verbal expression of gratitude any day. (But the occasional “thank you” is always nice!) I have to also tell you all how grateful I am to have had such amazing support from my husband and my family. They have all been there for me from the very beginning, and they all believed in me and encouraged me through every up and down. They are amazing and I love them very much! I can’t wait to start my career and see where God leads me. I've accepted a job on the 5th floor of Children's hospital. It's a pulmonary/adolescent unit. It's actually the floor that I started on when I first joined the Children's team nearly 4 years ago! Isn't it neat how God has things mapped out. I will start as soon as next week! I can't wait! I finally get a big girl check!!! Jake is VERY excited too!! HaHa!

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